Pipera residential project
Survey engineering for the designed elements, land registration and division into apartments, topographical survey.
WDP Timișoara
Topographic survey, 3D laser scanning, interior mapping according to BOMA standard, land registration, topographic elevation and planimetric survey, altimetric and planimetric survey.
Speedwell Triama Residence
Residence topographic survey, 3D scanning, division into apartments, survey engineering
Vernescu House
Cadastral documentation (interior mapping)
Novum Timișoara 56 boulevard
Real estate registration, construction registration, documentation to declare subdivision into flats, land dismantling.
Cortina North – Subdivision into flats
Interior mapping
Colosseum Mall
Interior mapping according to BOMA standards, construction behavior tracking in time, topographic survey, topographic assistance on site
Novum by the Sea
On site topographic assistance
Novum Str. Drajna
Real estate registration, construction registration, documentation to declare subdivision into flats, land dismantling.
Novum Politehnica
Construction behavior tracking in time of the executed and neighboring constructions, land and construction registration, documentation to declare subdivision into flats, land dismantling